Today we're talking to Kaily Hart. Her new Novel "Picture This" has recently been published with Ellora's Cave. She's stopping by my blog today to share her process with us! "Picture This" is enjoying such success, being described as "Sexy" "unique" and "an absolute must read!"
Enjoy an excerpt from the book!
“Well, thank you for your time and for the information. It was very helpful.”
Jillian put the phone down a little harder than she’d intended. It slammed back into the cradle with a sharp crack that more than matched her mood.
It’d been sold, again, three months earlier. Private auction, anonymous bidder and there was no way for her to find out who’d bought it. All she knew for sure was that it’d been a man. It figured. Damn, she’d been close this time. Not that she would have been able to afford to make even one bid herself. It had opened at fifteen thousand and after some fast and furious bidding had finally gone for a cool seventy-five thousand—dollars. Jeez, she’d probably be paying off her student loans for another twenty years and some guy had dropped seventy-five grand on a picture?
Jillian sighed. She wasn’t even sure what she’d do if she could uncover the identity of the new owner. She’d kept telling herself she’d be able to buy it one day once she got established. She’d planned on it, she’d counted on it. It was why she’d tried her damndest to keep track of it for the past ten years. Her only hope now was that it would sit in some private collection, gathering dust and never see the light of day. Yeah, right. She’d never, ever been that lucky. All those years ago, who would have thought? Deep down though she’d known and it had plagued her ever since. When she least expected it, it was going to come back and bite her on the ass. She just knew it.
* * * * *
“Sam? Man, are you even listening to me?”
Sam couldn’t tear his eyes off her. The dark luster of her hair, the curve of her cheek, something about the shape of her body. It just now occurred to him, but he’d seen her around the building before. He’d noticed her legs he remembered, appreciated the toned lengths, the shapely calves and too easily imagined how they’d look wrapped around his waist or up around her ears. And her mouth. God, the things he’d thought about her mouth.
How could I have forgotten that?
As soon as the thought formed he knew the answer. He had a strict hands-off rule at work that he’d never broken, not even in his head. Until her. He’d made himself forget.
He watched her mouth curve into a smile and his dick twitched in immediate response. Something flared low and sharp in his gut. It was a sensation he didn’t think he’d ever felt before, at least without some form of specific and intentional stimulation.
“Who’s that?” he demanded.
He heard rather than saw Duncan’s puzzlement. He motioned across the expanse of the elegant lobby. “The woman there. Slim, dark hair, black suit. Talking to the blonde.”
“I thought you didn’t fuck around with the staff?”
Sam’s balls tightened in a rush. The explicit image he got was shocking. Not just because it was of her—on her knees in front of him while he fucked her from behind—but because he hadn’t been able to censor it, or control his body’s reaction to it. Sam shot him a glare. He was in no mood to be trifled with.
Duncan cleared his throat. “Ah, sorry, I think her name’s Jennifer, something like that. She works in Finance. Or maybe it’s Legal.”
“Jillian?” he managed to choke out. “Could her name be Jillian?”
“I…maybe. Why?”
“Last time I checked you were head of Human Resources, Duncan.”
“Jesus, Sam, we have over four thousand employees, two thousand in this building alone. I can’t personally keep track of all of them. I haven’t worked with her directly. She’s probably—”
“Find out. I want her file on my desk in ten minutes.”
“What’s got into you?”
Sam took a deep breath. “Schedule a meeting with her.”
“A meeting?”
“Yeah, with me.”
“You don’t know where she works or what she does in your company, but you want a meeting with her? Why?”
Sam felt the impatience he’d tried to contain roar through him. He wasn’t used to having his orders questioned and he sure as hell wasn’t used to explaining himself to anyone.
“Because I’m the fucking boss and I said so.”
Wow! Welcome! Kaily, Let’s get to know you, the author, before we dive into the work. Tell us about yourself.
Hi Miranda! Thanks so much for having me here today. Let’s see my blurb would be:
Kaily Hart, a seemingly straight-laced mother of four left corporate America and a high-powered, lucrative career to be a stay at home mom. Ha! That lasted about four weeks, during which time she realized she had a deeply repressed dream - to write. Romance! By day, Kaily plays conservative wife and soccer mom, but at night crafts hot and steamy tales of romance and love with gorgeous heroes who wouldn’t dream of leaving the toilet set up. Ever. She’s smart and sassy, at least in her own mind, and is trying her best to bring the alpha male solidly back to contemporary romance. Two years ago she never would have thought she’d be doing this, but now that she is? It just feels so right.
Fantastic! So, your new novel “Picture This” was recently released from Ellora’s Cave! Tell us what your story is about!
Desperate and young, Jillian Moore did something she knew would one day come back to bite her in the ass. She’d posed nude. For money. Years later, and on the fast track to a successful career, she’s still haunted by her mistake. She can’t help but wonder when her past will catch up with her.
Samuel Steele is not short on female attention, but the women who warm his bed pale in comparison to the fantasy he’s created of the seductive temptress in the painting hanging prominently in his bedroom. A fantasy that has ruined his once satisfying sex life. When he discovers that her exact likeness works in his building—for him—things get…interesting.
How did the idea of the story come to you?
LOL. The premise itself? I have absolutely no idea. It just popped into my head along with the sketchy details of the characters. I just took it from there. I got the idea when I was browsing the Call for Submissions area on Ellora’s Cave website. I was just looking, I swear, but the story idea grabbed me and wouldn’t let go!
Do you have a critique group, beta-readers, or do you self edit?
I don’t have anything formal in regards to a critique partner. I’ve exchanged chapters and a couple of stories with people. I don’t have any beta-readers but the idea is very appealing. I basically self-edit for the most part!
What is the hardest part of writing for you?
I always joke it’s actually the writing part. It’s so easy to come up with that nice new and shiny idea. It calls to you ‘write me, write me’. When you get there to actually write it, the next one’s calling to you. It requires discipline to stick with a story long enough to not just write the really good scenes, but all of it!
I have the same problem! What about the easiest?
The actual idea part is the easiest for me. My mind is brimming with ideas as is my idea file! I have a ton of stories just waiting to be told.
Tell us a little about the publishing process. What surprised you about it? What did you find the easiest?
I’m published with an epublisher, so from submission to revisions to edits to publication, it moves quickly. My editor is wonderful. She’s very straightforward and no-nonsense which I love and folds in well with my style.
The hardest?
The hardest was knowing someone was pouring over every single word choice I’d made and evaluating those choices. It was my first experience with having a professional actually comb through something I’d written, so it was a bit nerve wracking. I’m a bit of a control freak, so anything throughout the process that wasn’t driven by me (which is basically everything except the writing part) is hard because it’s out of my control!
We’d love to know what you’re working on now. What can we look forward to next?
As usual, I’m working on several things in parallel. I’m currently in the process of finishing up two novellas, in the same vein as Picture This. I have a couple of full length novels I’m writing and I’ve outlined two paranormal series I’d love to really get into before the end of the year.
10. Finally, where can we find you online and where can we run out and pick up your work?
Book buy link -
You can find me around the web:
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Kaily, thank you for letting us get to know you and I wish you MUCH success with your books!
Thanks Miranda!
Thanks Miranda! I'm honored to be here and really enjoyed your questions. Certainly made me think!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview. Your book sounds fantastic Kaily. I'm looking forward to reading it.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to both of you, Kaily on your debut release (which I look forward to reading) and Miranda on your debut interview! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Lauren and David! I can't wait until it's YOU!
ReplyDeleteLauren and David, thanks for stopping by! I hope you guys enjoy the book!